Have you ever considered how lavender could enhance your life?
Skin conditions affect millions of Canadians, while 1 in 10 Canadians deal with anxiety on a daily basis. While these two conditions aren't inextricably linked, there's one thing that can help with both: lavender.
In this post, we're going to help you discover some of the best lavender bath salts and bath bombs in Canada. Our farm in Ontario is one of the biggest producers of these lavender bath products, so keep reading and learn all about the biggest lavender benefits, especially for skin conditions and anxiety.
Benefits of Lavender for Skin + Lavender bath products
Lavender is shown to have antibacterial properties, which makes it extremely helpful for detoxifying your skin. Conditions like acne occur when follicles under the skin become clogged, allowing bacteria to enter them.
Applying lavender oil to the affected area can kill the bacteria and effectively heal acne. What's great about lavender oil is that it doesn't clog your pores, so they can breathe, and your skin is healthier.
Another common skin condition in Canadians is eczema, which results in dry, itchy, and inflamed skin. With a lavender bath bomb or bath salts, you can bathe your entire body in lavender. This moisturizes your skin, and lavender is antimicrobial, so it can kill the bacteria that cause eczema.
Is Lavender Calming?
Lavender is well known for its relaxing properties. One of its main properties is its ability to bring about a sense of calm without sedating the person using it. Numerous studies have shown that using lavender for anxiety, depression, and insomnia can work to great effect. A 2013 study, in particular, concluded that lavender has similar effects on anxious patients as lorazepam - a popular anti-anxiety drug. The benefit here is that lavender is a naturally occurring substance with no side effects.
Lavender Bath Products
We have two types of lavender bath salts for sale on our website. The Unwind contains Epsom salts, dead sea salts, pink Himalayan salts, and organic lavender buds from our farm. It detoxifies the skin, promotes circulation, and gives you a spa-like experience in your own home.
Our Soaked Lavender-infused bath salts contain Epsom salts, dead sea salts, baking soda, infused lavender oils, and lavender flowers. It helps relieve stress and promote relaxation. It also reduces inflammation to help soothe muscles after a long day.
The amazing Fizzed Lavender bath bombs contain baking soda, citric acid, cornstarch, witch hazel, and lavender oils. Place it in your bath, and you'll experience rejuvenated skin and a relaxed mind.
All This From a Lavender Farm in Ontario
Hereward Farms is located north of Guelph, in East Garafraxa, Ontario. We're passionate about the healing power of lavender, and this passion is reflected in all our lavender bath salts and bombs. Why wait any longer? Head to our online shop today to peruse our various lavender bath products.
This article is for informational purposes only. It's important to do your research and consult a trusted medical professional before making any decisions. While this article may feature advice from experts in the field, it should never be relied upon as a substitute for personalized medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always prioritize your own health and well-being above all else.