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Lavender: The Perfect Natural Sleep Aid

Updated: Mar 28, 2023

Lavender: The Perfect Natural Sleep Aid

The Power of Lavender and Tea for a Good Night's Sleep

You have trouble falling asleep, wake up in the middle of the night, and struggle to fall back asleep. It's almost cyclical, and you don't want the melatonin supplements to make you too groggy in the morning. So, you're considering natural sleep aids.

Lavender is an herbal remedy used for centuries to promote relaxation and induce sleep. Let's explore the science behind lavender as a natural sleep aid, discuss its many benefits, look at the best ways to use it for rest, and review some of the top lavender products available today.

Lavender Can Help with Insomnia and Other Sleep Issues

Lavender is a popular natural sleep aid that has been used for centuries. The calming properties of this aromatic herb have made it a popular choice for those seeking relief from insomnia and other sleep issues. But does lavender work? Let's take a closer look at the science behind using lavender as a natural sleep aid.

The Power of Lavender and Tea for a Good Night's Sleep

Studies have shown that lavender can help reduce anxiety and promote relaxation, two of the significant factors contributing to insomnia and other sleep problems. Research has also found that lavender oil can help improve sleep quality, reduce restlessness, and increase the amount of time spent in bed asleep. Additionally, studies suggest that regular use of lavender causes an overall improvement in mood and alertness during waking hours.

Regarding safety, few side effects are associated with using lavender as a natural sleep aid. It is generally well-tolerated by most people, although some people may experience skin irritation if they are sensitive to specific components in the plant. Additionally, because it is an herbal remedy, you must consult your healthcare provider before taking any form of lavender supplement or oil if you have any known medical conditions or allergies.

The evidence suggests that using lavender as a natural sleep remedy is safe and effective for most people suffering from insomnia or other sleeping difficulties. Its calming properties make it an ideal choice for gentle relief without relying on harsh synthetic drugs or medications.

The Many Benefits of Lavender For Sleep

Lavender has been used as a natural sleep aid for centuries, and its calming properties make it an ideal choice for those with insomnia or other sleeping difficulties. In addition to its calming effects, lavender can help promote relaxation, reduce anxiety, and improve sleep quality. By reducing restlessness and increasing the time you spend in bed asleep, lavender is a powerful tool for those seeking relief from sleepless nights.

The Power of Lavender and Tea for a Good Night's Sleep

Promotes Restful Sleep

Previous studies show that inhaling lavender essential oil can increase slow-wave sleep (SWS), the deepest stage of non-REM sleep scientists associate with feeling refreshed and restful when you wake up.

Can Reduce Stress

Research also suggests that aromatherapy using lavender oil can reduce stress hormones such as cortisol while simultaneously increasing melatonin levels – both of which are necessary for healthy sleep patterns.

Promotes Healthy Sleep Patterns

You can use lavender to support healthy sleep patterns in many different ways. A popular option is to use a pillow spray infused with lavender essential oil before bedtime each night; this allows you to enjoy the soothing scent while you drift off into dreamland.

Overall, numerous benefits are associated with using Lavandula angustifolia (lavender) as a natural sleep aid:

  • Its calming properties make it ideal for those who have insomnia or other sleeping difficulties

  • its aroma is particularly effective when used in conjunction with aromatherapy techniques such as pillow sprays or diffusers

  • there are few side effects associated with its use compared to some medications or therapies commonly used to treat insomnia and other sleeping issues

The Best Ways To Use Lavender For Sleep

Hereward Farms Lavender Sachet made from their lavender

Lavender is a versatile herb with uses in many different ways to promote sleep and relaxation. One of the most popular ways to use lavender is through a diffuser, which disperses the scent into the air. When using a diffuser, it's important to dilute the lavender with water, as undiluted lavender oil can cause skin irritation or damage fabrics. Alternatively, you can make your sachet using dried lavender buds and place it on your pillow or near your bedside table.

Hereward Farms Lavender  Essential Oil

For direct topical application, you can use diluted essential oil in a carrier oil such as sunflower, jojoba or almond oil.

Lavender essential oil applied directly to the body may help reduce stress hormones and promote relaxation. Consider adding lavender essential oil to bathwater for an aromatherapy experience before bedtime.

Finally, if you're looking for a massage experience that promotes relaxation and sleep, consider trying an aromatherapy massage with lavender essential oils.

Many find this type of massage can reduce anxiety and muscle tension while providing calming effects for those who have insomnia or other sleeping difficulties.

Overall, lavender is used as a natural sleep aid in many ways, depending on your personal preference and lifestyle. Whether you diffuse it in the air or apply it topically on your body, ensure that it's always diluted appropriately for maximum effectiveness and safety when using this wonderful herb!

The Top Lavender Products For Sleep

Lavender is the perfect natural remedy for creating a restful sleep environment. This soothing herb has a long history of relieving insomnia due to its calming properties. Many different products on the market feature this fragrant flower, each with unique benefits for promoting better quality sleep – like lavender pillow spray.

Lavender Pillow Spray

You can use Lavender pillow spray made from essential oils to reduce anxiety and induce relaxation while in bed. You can use lavender pillow spray directly on your sheets or pillows before going to sleep so that you drift off into dreamland in a peaceful setting.

Lavender Essential Oil

Essential oils extracted from lavender flowers can also be diffused into the air or applied directly onto the skin for an aromatherapy massage experience that helps relax both body and mind. When using directly, make sure you dilute the oil with a carrier oil first, as undiluted essential oils may irritate.

Lavender Candles

Lavender candles create a serene atmosphere in any bedroom space, helping you get ready for bed at night and encouraging relaxation during your pre-sleep routine. Scented lavender candles provide soft light and a soothing aroma for extra stress relief before hitting the hay.

Lavender Lotions

Body lotions enriched with lavender essential oil help keep your skin nourished overnight while providing an aromatherapy experience that promotes relaxation and restfulness when it's time for bed. Applying lavender body lotion before bedtime is also beneficial because it will help ensure you feel refreshed in the morning after getting some much-needed shut-eye!


Alternatively, you could purchase a diffuser and use it at night to fill your bedroom with a calming aroma; adding drops of pure lavender essential oil will give you an extra boost if needed! Other options include using candles or body lotions containing natural Lavandula angustifolia (lavender) extracts.

Get Non-GMO Lavender Products For Better Sleep

Whether you choose a lavender pillow spray, essential oil, candle, or lavender body lotion, incorporating lavender into your nightly routine will help promote peaceful slumber so you can wake up feeling rested and rejuvenated each day.

Hereward Farms specializes in producing lavender products in East Garafraxa, Ontario, with the herb that comes straight from our picturesque farm. Check out our catalogue today (or visit our farm – the entry's free).

Hope these tips help you get a restful sleep.


This article is for informational purposes only. It's important to do your research and consult a trusted medical professional before making any decisions. While this article may feature advice from experts in the field, it should never be relied upon as a substitute for personalized medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always prioritize your own health and well-being above all else.

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